Topic: In
life, everyone has had a moment where they feel like they have been run over by
a truck. One pivotal moment that breaks apart everything one knows to be true. Her
truck moment was literal, but others are figurative. In that moment we have a
choice: either give in to the fear and let it rule us, or to acknowledge our
fear and push ourselves to be brave in the face of it. In her talk she will
discuss how we can acknowledge fear in order to transcend it, how God can give
us strength even when we are at our most vulnerable, and how she has taken fear
and turned it into gratitude and how you can too!
Bio: I am Katie McKenna -- writer, sometime comedian and professional fundraiser living in Brooklyn. I got run over by a truck, a big 18-wheeler, and lived to tell the tale.
Most of my earlier writing had been never-ending journals since I was 8 years old and stand-up bits for open mic nights around New York City. Creating something that makes another person smile or laugh gives me joy. I delight in laughing at myself.
This memoir began as a journal entry on a borrowed laptop during my extended hospital stay. I had finally regained use of my hands, and it was the best way to psychologically work through the intensity of my debilitating accident. It felt like my written musings became one long stand-up set -- a way to make light of the terrible, but surprisingly hilarious, things that happened when I was 25 years old and had just been run over by a truck.