The following Roles are very broad and are not intended to constitute an entire job description. The Job description must be suitable to the individual needs of each parish as well as realistic for each DRE/CRE to accomplish. The job description should be agreed upon by the parish pastor, diocesan director of catechesis, and the parish DRE/CRE.
To fulfill the ministry of a DRE/CRE, an applicant must first possess certain basic qualities, skills, and academic requirements.
The DRE/CRE should have expertise in organization skills, administration, program development, and evaluation, along with the ability to train and maintain volunteers with vision and enthusiasm.
Director of Religious Education
The DRE should possess a master’s degree as a minimum requirement, preferably a degree in religious education, theology, scripture, or pastoral ministry. A degree in education is acceptable only if supplemented by some recent coursework in religious education, theology, scripture, or pastoral ministry. The DRE should have some knowledge of related fields such as education, sociology, faith development, psychology, and administration.
The DRE should also continuously gain education and formation through conferences, workshops, seminars, or academic classes for the field of Catechesis.
The CRE should continue academic studies through matriculation in a bachelor’s program in religious education, theology, pastoral ministry, education, or a related field when possible. The CRE should also continuously gain education and formation through conferences, workshops, seminars, or academic classes for the field of catechesis.