Did you hear wonderful things about Natural Family Planning before you were married? As you looked at beautiful images of happy couples in NFP materials, did you anticipate the wonders of being able to faithfully plan your family while also enriching your marriage? Has NFP met all those hopes?
If not, don’t worry. “Natural Family Planning 2.0” addresses the common issues couples face when NFP meets the reality of living out the Sacrament of Marriage. Building on your deep love for one another and your experiences in marriage, this podcast offers an opportunity to solve some of the most common obstacles couples encounter while offering important insights.
*NFP 2.0 is not inteneded to be your first step in the Natural Family Planning process nor is it meant to replace medical advice.
Session One of NFP 2.0 offers specific ways a married couple can achieve high efficacy using Natural Family Planning. It includes a discussion about important technical considerations when using a method as well as how our marital partnership impacts efficacy.
Session Two focuses on the hormonal imbalances charting with Natural Family Planning can reveal. A description of several types of imbalances are discussed along with possible lifestyle and medical options to help. The session wraps up by considering ways to approach challenges as a mutually supportive, loving partnership.
Natural Family Planning intensifies the challenge of differing levels of desire between a husband and wife. The conversation in this session is wide-ranging and includes basic physiological differences between the spouses, medical obstacles, disillusionment about sexual ideals when love demands sacrifice, and suggestions to consider to create more unity and joy.
Session Four lays out suggested groundwork for couples who want to develop the strength to weather any challenge well, including an unplanned pregnancy. Expanding on the Marriage Castle analogy from Session Three, listeners can reflect on attachment, the marital friendship, and rightly ordered sexual union. The challenge of an unplanned pregnancy is discussed, including both best practices and things to avoid.
Get a 20-minute follow up plus bonus materials by clicking here.