Advanced Directives for Health Care - A Catholic Perspective is an educational website where messages can be sent to U.S. Senators, encouraging them to end the Roe litmus test for judicial nominees. This link is sponsored by the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA) which is the legislative arm of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB). You can contact your Congressperson regarding the latest. For Action Alerts, visit
For the Catholic Stance on different forms of fertilization, visit:
The Catholic Moral Question of IVF and the Adoption of Frozen Embryos
"See I have written your name upon the palm of my hands; your walls are ever before me"
(Is 49:16)
To live in a manner worthy of our human dignity, and to spend our final days on this earth in peace and comfort, surrounded by loved ones—that is the hope of each of us. In particular, Christian hope sees these final days as a time to prepare for our eternal destiny.
Today, however, many people fear the dying process. They are afraid of being kept alive
past life’s natural limits by burdensome medical technology. They fear experiencing intolerable pain and suffering, losing control over bodily functions, or lingering with severe dementia. They worry about being abandoned or becoming a burden on others.
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